Hello this is Sweetheart Bastard Club! The current comic I've been working on for the last year or so. well... Actually over a year now. adgayuwdyawdtawfda

But regardless, I hope you enjoy! :-D when I have updates i'll add it here so stay tuned!

Though notes, this comic was initially colour only to which I later switched to colour + bw, if you've been reading verledis for a long time you'll know just how inconistent it is in that category, I've always really struggled with that so this is my way to combat it, to essentially please myself(though atm I've only done bw for the last three pages lol X-() but due to the first solid pages having initally been in colour I just used a filter so that's why the colouring is a bit inconsistent.
I'll in anycase edit the pages to be more consistent over time, and I'll add those too so don't worry about some of the colouring issues. also it shouldn't take away time from new pages.


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