Welcome to my lair...

the hands are always thouching... feeling...

i need to take a diarrhea shit...



rkmeowmeow; the rkive (i changed it because i found out a kpop artist had the same pen name.); JohnnyMeowMeow (my alt da for my fetish content, mostly)

my favourite bands/musical artists:

the sisters of mercy; the mission; strawberry switchblade; at this point... very unfortunately, mindless self indulgence; lady gaga; malice mizer; glamscure; roseta stone; specimen;

my favourite malice mizer era is tetsu era! and i'd say some of my favourites are "gogo no sasayaki"; "baroque"; "speed of desperate"; "sadness, i know the reason for her sadness"; "beast of blood"; and of course: "ma cherie" "bel air", "au revoir" and a lot of their iconic songs. also just memoire... yes. memoire. I'm a big fan of tetsu era. it's a lot of fun finding obscure songs that either were written in tetsu era but published later i.e:ma cherie and dance of death or just absolutely never released.

i'd say i absolutely adore that they performed ma cherie in every era, it almost feels like a little tradition. also tetsu version is so good! but of course the gackt version is absolutely iconic and it's so scrumptious. makes me cry from how gorgeous it is.

my favourite games:

genshin impact:

it makes me cry so much! i swear! but ffs i wish they'd give them melanin and some chub or something though!!! but that aside it's genuinely such a special game to me, the characters mean a lot to me and ever since sumeru every storyline makes me cry very hard.

plants vz zombies:

oh my god the sound track is phenomenal, i highly recommend it!!! I've been playing it again and I've been hoping to finish it for realsies this time. this one is very nostalgic, me and my father used to play it together, and i've picked it up once in awhile but never actually finished it. my favourite game is the first, and my favourite plants as a kid was snowpea and cattail. also all the plants and zombies have such character, it's really great, genuinely really funny but also just fun as a strategy game even if the first game isn't the hardest for the most part)

edit: lol i think i did ages ago but since you could redo the same levels but diffrent i though that it wasn't, but i managed to do it again

the coffin of andy and leyley:

HEAR ME OUT PLEASE and no i don't condone their actions.

does it have incest? yes. does it also have.... killing children at the age of like 6, ritualistic sacrifice and cannibalism? also yes. is it glorified and condoned in any shape or form? FUCK NO!

it's a dark comedy game about two siblings in a seriously fucked up situation and both being seriously fucked up themselves. can i just say, i really hate when people simp for ashley, she acts like a lot of abusers do, she acts like how my boyfriend's abusers do. she, to this day is deeply traumatised due to the people who abused her. Ashley's not a cute character, she's absolutely awful person. i feel bad for her sure, she clearly isn't alright but she's still a genuinely terrible person. the game is genuinely really good, it has puzzles (albeit easy but still fun) and nuanced plot and you can absolutely see how they ended up where they did. it's genuinely not as terrible as people say it is online, also.... you realise... people are in incestuos relationship, they still happen? like they're by all means not good but they DO happen, and what's the point of a life if you can't explore the nuances of life. the world is shitty and OH MY FUCKING CHRIST THIS ONE'S WAY WORSE.

10/10 great game. we're only 6 hours in but have enjoyed every second, it's so much fun to disect it genuinely! i have a lot to say but i also would prefer to avoid spoilers, i genuinely HIGHLY reccomend it if you love nuanced media and dark comedy, it's ABSOLUTELY not for everyone and that's totally okay! you don't HAVE to like it but it's been a lot of fun to theorise and disect both these characters and the really fucked up world they live in.

the lettuce game (/j) (yes, the lettuce game, beware for what is to come.)

roy's fun fact corner:

tarot started out as a card game! really cool!

someone in verledis has killed a man. this is not a joke. there is a murderer in verledis.

first it was snowdrop's great grandmother being a cannibal now this, the plot thickens quicker than alexander eating cake in feedism porn.

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