The gunshow

The fourth entry of week one and the project, with Alexander as a cowboy (for, some reason). Named after the gunshow by in this moment and a pairing with Casper.

This one actually had two versions, he had a "uncensored" version, as he had pasties but I was a bit worried about webtoon striking me (hah I didn't even post this there lol and I don't even have that anymore to begin with.) So this is technically the "censored" version, that ended up being better lol, one of those rare , and by rare, I mean very rare times, that I like censorship. Anyway the subject of censorship is complicated, and I don'r really wanna talk about it a lot but I like fucking about when it comes to censoring nudity. I intend for the lettuce game to have a censorship option as I want to feature a decent bout of nudity, albeit not pornographic and so I want to do my usual methods of using my cats face. Even though it isn't pornographic I reckon it's probably decent, as not everyone (and understandably so) doesn't like nudity, that's not really my perspective but why not, it's a funny gag to me.

The two versions:

"I don't want to talk about censorship." does so anyway: I guess more so the, ethics? Which feels like an odd word to use but something better has failed to show show up and punch me.

Okay but to go onto the outfit, IT'S BELT SEASON!!!!! and I like his belts, his face looks a bit odd but not too noticable, I don't know if I did this before Casper or not, but same issue as a few others with the eyes being a tad too small. Regardless I think this was before I really super prioritised values, a silly addmision of mine. So I acknowledge that Casper is a bit hard to differenciate, I can't tell but I think Alex's hair looks okay with his skin, I seem adament in giving him pink in his design, what is there to say. I like the colour pink. To be honest I don't really have much to say, he looks nice, I like his outfit it's cute but I don't have that much in terms of outfit creation, in 2023 I didn't really do extensive designing, kinda just landed on whatever I chose first, which is fine I don't really care, so he doesn't have all that much going for him in terms of his outfit design, and it's been a year so I don't remember. He likes belts, so belts, he likes body suits and he likes boots, BAM. Alex. I think I remember the pain of drawing the buckles though. I don't really give him those eyebrows often. He actually doesn't have eyebrows, he shaves them off then draws them on, and this is a little different from what I usually do. Very arched. I like his stance, I used to really love drawing him with his pelvis pointing forwards (if that makes sense?) so like a constant hip thrust. I don't really anymore, I guess it's different on a fat person? You can pull it off definitely, I guess I also just moved on to other things, but I do draw him that way. No I don't know what's wrong with his posture.

Guys I know this is crazy, but Alexander is my favourite, I know that's really hard to take in. /s

Idk, he's cunty, and a slut, what's not to love, is he scary? Yeah. Would I be scared of him? Yeah. Does that make him more appealing? Probably. Also he's just kinda intimidating, I find people scary and people I find attractive scare me a lot. He's just kinda stoic, and he has that resting bitch face, so he'd scare me.