Hello, thank you for having been here to those who’ve read this webcomic. I have very complicated feelings about this comic, I love these characters a lot, they mean a lot to me and I’ve had them for almost half my life now. So they really are very important to me.
I started this comic when I was 15, I started this exact version on 13th of September 2021. So in actuality I was 14 now that I’ve done the maths. I was by all means no professional writer and I had a walnut for a brain.
So the point is, me, an almost adult can (hopefully) do (somewhat) better.
I’ve been told the prologue doesn’t really have a good start, no story, very inconsistent, janky art, hard to read, and no real reason to like these characters. I can’t even really read the comic at all actually, I found nowadays that reading my comics is hard…
These characters truly do mean a lot but I don’t think I’ll be continuing this comic anymore though, it was semi-special while it ran, but the base is poorly constructed and I don’t think the small plots I had for the following chapters are worthwhile. It’s bothered me for awhile that Snowdrop and Tulip's relationship arc didn’t have more of them being *just* friends before having jumped into the romance, and yes. They ended up together. That was the story. lol…
I do have other projects, notably SHBC (shameful plug, you can read it here) and The Lettuce Game. A game I'm working on with these same characters. I’m rather early in production, only having written Alice's story (and like only some of it) and done some art for it. But if you’re interested it’s simply about you (Yes! You! But also not really you!) moving away from the city to the countryside, you get to meet the characters and then go down their individual routes. For instance, Alice is breaking her curse. (ahem, yes. curse…) (drama ensues)
I hope that’s a decent summary of the game, I’m not particularly good at this, and I find it’s hard to sum up.
To those who’ve stuck around, thank you for having been here. Goodbye.
22/09/2024: Verledis is currently unavailable, as I'm handing over the posting and management process to my boyfriend, as it's a very mentally tasking thing to me (so much mental illness) and deleting it was the easiest way to go about this, as to when It'll be available again? I'm not sure and as of now I don't intend to do it soon, I find the project rather embarassing but I'd like to share it again one day.