This is.... OH FUCKING GOD NGHHHHHH. Frustrating. This had a pretty terrible start to be honest, it's hard to read, I had a fair few people tell me it's hard to read so word of adivice if you're making a comic. Make it ledgible. It goes a long way. People will probably put a comic down if they can't read it. The art here is really janky and it's pretty unfunny, I did this thing I still kinda do where I wanted there to be a joke but I had no joke so now I just cringe at it. I could have done better lmao. But I still learnt a lot so I'm glad I did it at least, I hope one day I'll get to love it again. Ngl Tulip was done DIRTY. Fun fact at this point neither Snowdrop or Tulip had solid personalities, honestly both were in a transitional period personality wise. Tulip was busy entering doormat era and Snowdrop was entering freak era. Fun fact #2: these two have an awful habit of switching personalities so I'm kinda curious if they'll ever do it again. I was also a pussy and scared of having things go bad, now I ruin their relationship for breakfast /hj
Oh yeah have the colourised version, that CAME first and did air but got changed to be more consistent with the later pages. Only to not be consistent anyway.